Don't rush through the levels; there's no time limit.
If you miss a baddie, go back and kill him.
It's much easier to kill baddies with a chest or boulder as only one hit is required. This is much safer against those who carry ingredients or health.
After completing a level you can return later. This is very handy for stocking up on lives and health before you tackle the guardians.
On the first level there are three lives up for grabs.
Always attempt to knock the helicopter pilots off the little creatures and grab the machines before they fly off. They often allow you to reach otherwise unobtainable lives and health.
Press DOWN and PAUSE. Then release DOWN, but still keep PAUSE pressed. Now press RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, RIGHT, AND LEFT. You should now have access to all spells and levels.
Spells and there ingredients.
QUICKGROW---leaf, feather, silver ring
SPIRIT BOMB---feather, gold ring, leaf
LIGHTNING---two diamond rings, feather
DUST DEVIL--leaf, silver ring, feather
DEMON------gold ring, mirror, necklace
SHRINK--------mirror, necklace, amulet
GHOST---------skull, tooth, magic root
PLATFORM---feather, tiger eye, feather